
>> click to download the song (.mp3) 5.20MB
>> click to download the song (.aac) 3.05MB
>> click to download negarakuku_low.3gp 4.88MB NEW
>> click to download negarakuku_high.3gp 9.20MB NEW

Get involved in supporting namewee. Simply save this song in your mobile phone and spread the news to those Ah Pek in coffee house, your mom in the kitchen, your father in the office, your girlfriend on her bed, your neighbor you don't know who is it all the while, anyone you meet. To Chinese, discuss with your Malay & Tamil friends; to Malays who support, help your friends to understand namewee.

WHY you need to place this song in your mobile phone? I think you know the answer very well, because Malaysia's broadband internet penetration rate now is only 1-7.6%! Which means there are still loooooooots of Malaysian out there haven't heard of this song before, so get involved NOW! You know what you can do with your Bluetooth now ;)

p/s: The songs & videos are properties of namewee 黃明志.
p/p/s: To students, TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE when in class ;)

Updated 17-08-2007
Negarakuku video clips for mobile phone (.3gp) open for download! Both low & high resolution versions are uploaded, download the low resolution version if you are using a dailup (tmnet 1515 etc.) service for faster download. The quality is ok, so dont worry you won't see namewee's close-up :) Enjoy! (And also, keep in mind that these videos are also namewee's properties)


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Looking back to look ahead

An interview with Mr. Lim Kit Siang: Looking back to look ahead ©The Sun
Thursday, 23 August 2007, 08:33am

Everywhere we go we proclaim that we are a multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia with the various races living peacefully together. But this, as you said just now, is not internalised, not spoken from the heart. But what can we do?

I think the leadership should set an example with all institutes and organisation in society following them from behind. To internalise the diversity in this country you must be sincere and faithful to these fundamental principals.

Actually when we started we never established clear directions on what nation-building entails. There was no road map on how we are going to build up this nation. Do you think we need something like that, to have an actual road map on what we are going to do.

The general principles have always been there. There is the social contract which says we are a democratic, multi-religious, multi-racial, progressive country where Islam is the official religion of the Federation but not an Islamic state.

We have the formula. Not true to say we do not have a formula. But it so happen that those in authority are seemingly moving further and further away from this basic formula.

Even those at the top are seemingly reluctant to admit that Malaysia is now a secular state even though the courts have declared so.

You know for 44 years we can see that there is no questioning that Malaysia is a secular state. Islam is the official religion, it is not an Islamic state. There were instances of course when there were marginal peripheral voices asking that we move towards an Islamic state. They were not in the mainstream. But now the whole thing seems to have been reversed.

Those who call for the the secular state have been marginalised and regarded as a periphery and those who feel that Malaysia is an Islamic state has now occupied the mainstream.

How did this change take place? This is a whole question of a tectonic shift in nation-building. And now these things cannot be talked about, cannot be discussed even. I don’t think this will solve any problem.

Many things seem to be so sensitive now that they have been taken out of public discussion. Is this healthy?

No. But why is it happening? If we can have public discussion on a social contract in 1956 and 1957, why can’t we have a public discussion as to why this social contract must be maintained, and should be reaffirmed? Everybody talks about social contract, today, but behind closed doors.

It is important to remember that this social contract is not the property of the ruling parties. It is a heritage and legacy of all Malaysians and all Malaysians today have a right to give input on the status of a social contract today.

It is going to be totally lacking in credibility if discussions on this social contract are held behind closed doors.

Every Malaysian should be involved. It cannot be something that you can go to a corner and discuss it in the closet. Where is participatory democracy? You are now shutting down avenues of expression.

Full Artical here

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